Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tired but happy

Finally a good week of workouts. So far I am at 27 hours and 30 minutes for the last five days. My goal was six days and 26 hours this week so I still have to workout today to hit both parts of my goal. I still haven't decided how long today's workout will be though. I should probably take it easy and not go over 30 hours but that's always really hard for me. Somehow I managed to feel lazy and like I should have done more yesterday despite the fact that I have worked out for 5 or 6 hours every day for the past five days...crazy.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So close...

So yesterday's workout pretty much sucked...I was very tired and my knee was really bothering me again. I don't know if it is an actual injury or just overuse and tendonitis as usual. I'm not really sure I want to find out...I don't want to have to cut back on workouts at all. I'm so close to reaching the workout goal for the week but I really don't think I will meet it this week. The goal was 6 days and 26 hours and I am at 5 days and 24 hours and 45 minutes so only 1.25 hours short...not bad but definitely could be better. I think I might take today to rest and get back to it tomorrow with hopefully at least 6 hours. That should be a good start to the week. The goal for next week will be 6 days and 26 hours again.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I woke up this morning feeling super tired and just wanting to go back to sleep but I knew I would be really pissed at myself if I took another day off this week. This week's goal is 6 days and 26 hours and I WILL get to at least that. So I sucked it up and went to the gym anyway and had a pretty good workout...4 hours 35 minutes on the elliptical and 1 hour 5 minutes on the stationary bike. I was pretty tired the last half of the bike but made it through. Then I find out that the Y near here opens at 5 am on excited!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Had a good workout today. Only four and a half hours so not as long as I had planned but that's ok...have to spend at least some time with the husband. It was great because I was reminded that it is very convenient to workout at the same place I work and didn't feel in a hurry to get things done. The only problem was...of course...someone had to interrupt to tell me someone didn't show up for their shift yet. But, the new Y is super nice and I can definitely go there on my days off so overall a very good day.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I decided not to work out today and take a rest. I probably could have gone this morning as planned but I'm pretty tired after eight days of at least two hour workouts. Plus my neck and shoulders hurt so it would not have been a great workout anyway. I still have plenty of time this week to hit 26 hours.

Monday, March 8, 2010

90% crazy

I recently read the saying that endurance exercise is 90% mental and 10% physical. Being a huge fan of endurance sports, that message really struck me. It also reminded me of when people used to refer to each other as "mental" rather than crazy...I was inspired to start a journal of sorts about my somewhat crazy love of all things exercise.

Today was a pretty good workout day...4 hours and 20 minutes on the elliptical and then 1 hour and 10 minutes on the stationary bike. I was feeling pretty tired after yesterday's 6 hour session and 8 straight days of workouts, but I made it through so it was a good day.

I'm still annoyed that the gym is closing and I have to go back to working out at work. Gold's Gym has really saved my sanity these last couple of months. It was so nice to go to the gym and not have anyone recognize me or come interrupt my workout to ask stupid questions or tell me someone didn't show up for work. Oh well, at least I have options and am feeling very motivated right now to get these workouts done no matter where I have to go.